, Jakarta –The decision of Case 03 of the Central Jakarta Charter Court is clearly unusual and legally flawed, so it is suspected that there was an affair between the plaintiff, namely WD40 Company, domiciled in California, America, and the panel of judges who tried this case.
WD 40’s lawsuit against Get All 40, which is a domestic product, was granted by the panel of judges at the Central Jakarta District Court. In fact, from the start, the defendant asked the Honorable Judge not to be tried because he did not meet the requirements under Indonesian law.
Because the plaintiff’s attorney does not have legal standing according to Indonesian law and besides that, the plaintiff also sues with a shortage of parties, namely the appeal commission from HAKI which issued the Get All 40 certificate legally was not involved.
So a trial which seems to be forced, did not have a legal law according to Indonesian law, and it is to suspected that WD40, an American company, played with Indonesian law because he had an affair with law enforcement, thereby injuring the judiciary.
Therefore, Benny Bong as the owner and producer of Get All 40 will seek justice by reporting the decision of this case 03 to the judicial commission and the Indonesian House of Representatives, especially Commission III (Komisi III DPR RI).
Due to the decision that lacked parties and was legally flawed, the Get All 40 certificate was legally valid, since it was not canceled by the HAKI appeals commission which legally issued the certificate to support domestic production.
However, even though the decision is legally flawed and invalid, I will ask for justice from the Supreme Court to continue the legal process by making an appeal and asking the KPK corruption eradication commission to oversee this legal process, so that there is transparency and justice to provide legal certainty for the business world, especially production. domestic.
The expert witness is the most expert in his field Dr. Suyud Margono SH (Secretary General of HAKI Mediation Arbitration, has testified that there was no similarities in principle and it is very easy for the tribunal to deny the lawsuit of WD 40 Company from California, America.
But the panel of judges led by Dulhusin, SH, MH decided differently from the testimony of the most expert in his field, by granting the WD 40 lawsuit without any valid legal basis, so that it seemed frivolous, careless and unprofessional in his field.
The chairman of the HWI Market Cooperative Lindeteves, Chandra Suwono, responded to the decision in case 03 by saying that justice had been harmed by a careless decision that seemed unprofessional and did not provide legal certainty for the business world.
How a large foreign entrepreneurs oppress local entrepreneurs who are actually SMEs supported by a reckless judge’s decision without considering the arguments presented in the trial by local entrepreneurs Get All 40.
So in another case with the same parties, namely the Get All 40 compensation claim to the WD 40 entrepreneur, in case 41, Chandra Suwono hopes that there will be justice and legal certainty for the business world.
Because for several years WD 40 oppressed local entrepreneurs by canceling the previous Get All certificate through the Central Jakarta Commercial Court which caused the cessation of domestic production of Get All and laid off its employees, because Get All products were not allowed to circulate for several years.
And because of the support from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. JOKO WIDODO, namely through Presidential Decree No. 90 of 2019 which strongly supports domestic production, it allows Get All 40 to appeal to the HKI appeals commission to take back its rights, so that it can re-employ its employees and can try again.
Chandra Suwono hopes that the panel of judges in making their decision on case 41 can synergize with the spirit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, which is to love domestic production. [sh/cs]